Augmented Reality for Collaborative Urban Planning


At T0+5

a first prototype of the service will be implemented allowing Beni Stabili early feedback mainly on the service design. This first version will allow, from a web interface, to publish geolocated contents. After optimization, these contents will be viewable on site at 1:1 scale in augmented reality with an iOS or Android mobile application. Starting from month 2 and before the end of month 9, the multiplatform augmented reality library will be developed and the research on how to involve stakeholders and on how to compute relevant metrics to increase social inclusion and environmental sustainability of urban planning projects will be done.

At T0+10

In order to be ready for the experimentations during month 11, the first version of the product will be released including the co-creation features and the augmented reality technologies.

At T0+12

the product will be ready to go on market and all partners’ contributions and feedback will be provided.